Category Archives: Blood Pressure Management

Proven Health Benefits of Meditation Practice

Today, the world has become a busy place and being busy is the new normal for people. If you aren’t busy, then you are surely considered an exception. These days,… Read more »


7 Habits That will Keep You Fit Everyday

We all aspire to achieve and maintain a satisfying level of physical fitness. The definition of physical fitness goes beyond the ability to run fast or pick up heavy weights…. Read more »

sedentary lifestyle

Research: Lack of Exercise is a Major Cause of Chronic Diseases

Inactivity or lack of exercise leads to many long term health problems including so called lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension, high blood cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Several studies conclude… Read more »

yoga asanas

How Does Yoga Help To Maintain Our Health and Vitality

What is Yoga? Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which aim to quiet the mind and sustain a state of overall well-being. Yoga means… Read more »

heart healthy foods

7 Common Foods that Can Reduce the Risk of CVD and Stroke.

  Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the greatest cause of premature mortality and disability globally. High cholesterol level, elevated blood pressure and diabetes are considered as today’s major lifestyle diseases that… Read more »


How To Prevent Obesity and Stay Fit Naturally

Being overweight or obese is one of today’s most prevailing health hazards. Both males and females of any age could be a sufferer of obesity. The excess weight of an… Read more »