Study: Drinking Oolong tea Helps To Improve Cardiovascular Health and Reduce Weight

Oolong tea

Oolong tea has been proven to be very beneficial for reducing weight and promoting overall health. It includes the ability to regulate blood sugar levels and improve cardiovascular health. The chemical compounds contained in Oolong tea helps to reduce plaque in the arteries, lower cholesterol and produce slimming effects on the body.


 What is Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is a semi oxidized tea, which has been traditionally used in Chinese regions since ancient times. It is produced through the process of withering the plant under sun and oxidising before curling and twisting. The flavor and quality of oolong tea varies according to the degree of oxidation , horticulture and style of production.  Although less popular (its consumption around the world is only 2 percent)), oolong tea has a variety of health benefits.

Its potential health benefits are due to the presence of high amounts of antioxidants and other health promoting compounds such as polyphenols and catechins contained in it.

It is popular among tea lovers all over the world. Combining the best qualities of Green tea and Black tea, Oolong Tea is not only as clear and fragrant as Green Tea, but also as fresh and strong as Black Tea. It occupies the middle ground between green and black teas. It has the benefits and taste of both Green Tea and the fully oxidized Black Tea.


Benefits of Drinking Oolong Tea

More than just a refreshing drink, Oolong tea has the following clinically proven health benefits.

Helps to Reduce Weight

Regulates blood sugar levels

Brings blood pressure down

Helps to control cholesterol level

Helps to improve cardiovascular health

Has anti aging properties

Improves digestion and boost metabolism

Boosts the functioning of immune system

Reduce the negative effect of free radicals

Promote overall health

Improves Cardiovascular Health

Its cardio protective  effect includes the ability to prevent cardiovascular diseases particularly atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Studies show that consumption of oolong tea is associated with a reduced risk of mortality from CVD.


Ideal for Weight Loss

The healthy combination of light caffeine, antioxidants and polyphenols in Oolong Tea accelerates metabolism and increases energy expenditure by 10%. It burns 2.5 times more calories than Green Tea and so it is ideal for weight loss (study). The polyphenols in Oolong Tea is also effective in controlling body fat.

Though all types of tea contain health-promoting compounds such as polyphenols and catechins, hand picked Oolong Tea is the best source.

All teas are made from the leaves of the tea plant Camellia. The difference in flavours and varieties depends on the chemical composition of each tea type and it is determined by the degree of oxidation and the processes of drying and fermentation.

The traditional and major high quality Oolong Tea producing country is China. Most are produced in the areas of Northern Guangdong, Southern Fujian and Western Fujian. India and Taiwan also produces fine Oolong tea.


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