Allergies and Clutter

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By Amy Gray

You may have noticed a lot more sniffling and sneezing going on at your house lately. That's because allergy season is in full swing, both inside and outside. You may not be able to do much about all those flowering trees and grasses, but you can make the situation a little better inside. How? Get rid of your dust-mites and other allergens which collect on the surfaces of clutter.

There are other areas that are potential hoarders of allergens; for instance, tightly crammed closets filled with clothes. When there is little ventilation in a closed area, it's a perfect breeding ground for mold, another fabulous allergen. Of course dust mites are very happy in that environment as well.

Sorry to say that the only way to reduce these little critters in your house is a thorough cleaning. That's right - you've got to vacuum like the dickens. And truly the only way to vacuum thoroughly is by reducing those piles of clutter in each room. Removing extra clothes from the closets and freeing up your horizontal spaces and corners will not only be a healthy thing to do for your body -- it also works wonders for your spirit. Just gazing at an uncluttered, organized environment can do wonders for your peace of mind - and think of all the money you'll save on allergy medications and tissues!

About the Author

Amy Gray is an organizer and Feng Shui practitioner as well as the owner of Empty Your Nest Professional Organizing. She can help you clear clutter and set up personalized organizing systems in your home and office so you can work and live peacefully and productively. Download your FREE copy of The Getting Started Handbook: Overcoming Fear, Overwhelm and Procrastination when Starting an Organizing Project by visiting

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