Why Good Vibrations Create A Better World

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by Iain Legg

In his book 'Power vs Force', David Hawkins calibrates people's
emotions from levels 20 up to 1000. 20 being Shame which is
perilously proximate to death. It's destructive to emotional and
psychological health, and makes us prone to physical illness.

At the other end of the scale at 700- 1000 is enlightenment. This
is the level of the Great Ones such as Krishna, Buddha and Jesus.
It is the peak of the evolutionary consciousness in the human realm.

All levels (which could be classed as vibration levels) below 200
are said to be energy draining, and below integrity. These vary
from Guilt (30), Grief (75), Fear (100) up to Pride (175).

People feel positive as they reach Pride level. However Pride feels
good only in contrast to the lower levels. Pride is defensive and
vulnerable because it's dependent upon external conditions, without
which is can suddenly revert to a lower level.

At the 200 level, power first appears. Courage (200) is the zone of
exploration, accomplishment, fortitude, and determination. People
at this level put back into the world as much energy as they take;
at the lower levels, populations as well as individuals drain
energy from society without reciprocating.

Further levels include willingness (310), Acceptance (350) and Love

This level is characterized by the development of a Love that is
unconditional, unchanging, and permanent. It doesn't fluctuate -
its source isn't dependent on external factors. Loving is a state
of being. This is the level of true happiness.

Interesting facts from the book -

* The concept and theories behind these experiments were conducted
over a 20 year period using a variety of Kinesiology tests and

* Kinesiology has an almost certain 100% accuracy reading every
time. It will always reveal Yes, No, True, and False answers.

* Collective Consciousness: These experiments reveal that there is
a higher power that connects everything and everyone.

* Everything calibrates at certain levels from weak to high
including books, food, water, clothes, people, animals, buildings,
cars, movies, sports, music etc.

* 85% of the human race calibrates below the critical level of 200.

* The overall average level of human consciousness stands at 207.

* Human consciousness was dangling at below the 200 level (190) for
many centuries before it suddenly rose up to its present level some
time in the mid 1980s. Hence Nostradamus's end of the world
predictions may have been avoided (he made his predictions at a
time when human consciousness was at below the 200 level). For the
world to stay at levels below 200 over a prolonged period of time
would cause a great imbalance that would undoubtedly lead to the
destruction of all humanity.

* The power of the few individuals at the top counterbalances the
weakness of the masses.

* 1 individual at level 300 counterbalances 90,000 individuals
below level 200

* 1 individual at level 500 counterbalances 750,000 individuals
below level 200

* 1 individual at level 700 counterbalances 70 million individuals
below level 200

In other words, as a co creator of the world, if you vibrate at 200
and above you will be helping to raise the consciousness of
mankind, and be a big part in creating a better world for everyone.


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