A Happy Life: How to Get It

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by Teresa A George

To be happier. That's what most people would say if you asked them what they really want to be. So how do you achieve real happiness - that's the question?

The importance of solving this conundrum is clear. If you don't, you simply won't achieve a happy life.

The problem is, when it comes to happiness, we often look for it in the wrong place: money property, cars etc. In other words stuff, things, possessions. But happiness isn't found in possessions, it is found from within. It is the by-product of a full and fulfilling life. A happy life is one filled with friends, interests and purpose. Real happiness will elude us if we don't understand this fundamental fact.

Just want to be happy - but don't know how? Here are my top Ways to be Happy:

1. Find your Passion in Life Having a passion and getting involved gives your life meaning. It could be an issue you're concerned about such as animal welfare or the environment. Maybe you're political and decide to volunteer to help your local candidate. Or you have a talent for something and teach an evening class. Whatever it is, the satisfaction gained not only gives you a sense of fulfilment it enhances your life, which in turn makes you happy.

2. Attain a Level of Contentment No one is 100 per cent happy 100 per cent of the time. Life ebbs and flows, we just can't expect to be happy all the time. But, it is important to be able to maintain a general level of contentment. Some events can create euphoric feelings of real joy, others desperate sadness. However, if there is a thread of contentment running through your life you'll be able to cope better with any extreme lows.

3. Do Something Well This increases your sense of self esteem, which is closely linked to happiness. Being successful at something is one of the most common sources of personal joy.

4. Exercise Exercise releases endorphins into your brain inducing a positive mood. It gets the heart pumping oxygen round the body, giving you a natural high. This doesn't have to mean going to the gym - why not go dancing? Or, if you're not feeling quite that energetic, go for a brisk walk.

5. Do Something Silly Being stupid and being silly are not the same thing. Stupid is being irresponsible or missing opportunities. Silly is being daft, laughing and having fun. So get reacquainted with your inner child. Invite friends over and play silly games or watch a funny movie - have fun and laugh!

To be happier you just need to remember one thing - in life, you get out what you put in.

A happy life: it can be yours.

About the Author

Want to discover How to be Happy & Get the Most out of Life? Then visit Teresa's blog http://www.OneActOnly.com To read other articles by Teresa visit http://www.ezinearticles.com/?id=2080962

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