How to care for your skin in Winter

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With the shopping lists for thanks-giving being made with full gusto, the comfy scarves and woollens being brought out, and with the crisp chill in the air, you know winter is around the corner. And when the winter is finally here, like the changes you have made in your closet, it’s time to make a 360 degree change in your skin care routine too. The dry winter air can take a huge toll on the skin, and so here are some effective winter skincare tips from dermatologists with which you can start your winter skincare and carry on the winter swag.


The Best Skin Care Swaps

With the advent of winter season, there are actually a lot of complex changes that happen to our skins, and that’s just as much commonplace as the change from strappy heels to the boots we make every year during winter. One interesting fact is that most of the skincare products were actually conceived keeping skincare in winter in mind. That’s exactly how important skin care gets in the winter season. So, here are some effective tips to help you glow in winter.

  • Swap your gel based cleanser: This is actually the basic and the most important part of winter care. In winter, the skin lacks natural oil. Applying stronger gel based cleanser will automatically strip the skin of it's natural oils and you wouldn’t definitely want that to happen. Therefore, it's better off to use cream base cleansers which have moisturizer as it’s built in ingredient and helps keep the skin soft and supple.
  • Change Physical Exfoliators to Chemical Exfoliators: Exfoliation must be a part of regular skincare routine, but an absolutely indispensable one in winter. Chemical based exfoliators cleanses deeper than the physical exfoliators. Always opt for a double cleansing because it helps soften the skin and also makes the skin gentler during winter. But frequent and excessive exfoliation might lead to washing off of all the natural oils in the skin and it might lead to skin stress, damage or redness.

  • Swap your astringent with a toner: Astringent is a lotion which is used to control oil, but in winter the skin dries naturally, so there’s actually no harm in a bit of oil remaining in the skin. For beginners, toners do actually the same action on the skin as the astringent, sans the drying effect on the skin. The best part is that toners also come for all sort of skin types. There is the “clarifying toner” for oily skin and “all over hydrating toner” if one has a combination of various skin types. For dry skin types, always opt for the hydrating toner.
  • Use Richer Creams instead of lightweight moisturizer: The lightweight moisturizer that aptly hydrates your skin and keeps it soft and supple during summer unfortunately does not stand a chance to combat the dryness of the winter season. Therefore, try a richer cream that serves the two fold purpose of hydrating the skin and also protecting the skin during the harsh winters. An ideal winter cold cream should contain fatty acids and ceramides, which actually helps to lock the moisturizer and create a protective barrier against the dryness of the winter.
  • Swap occasional use of under eye cream to regular use: Dermatologists have always been very serious about applying under eye cream as early as the age of 25, so as to prevent ageing of the skin and different problems like the dark circles and crows feet under our eyes. But applying the under eye cream during winter is not just for the sake of avoiding these problems, but, for several other reasons like, preventing the delicate under eye skin from chapping when the eyes are exposed to the cold, harsh winter creams. Besides, dry and dehydrated skin shows up more wrinkles during the winter season.

These are few of the tips to make your skin winter ready. Whether you are sledding, cuddling up or sipping hot cider near fire, make sure that you go through these tips. It goes without saying that we love to pamper our skin anytime of the year, but during the winter season it needs extra care and solid precautions. It is definitely important that we listen to our skin and make the skincare routine that is agreeable to our skin type, especially during the winter season.

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