Kiwi – Try This Super Fruit

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Kiwi fruit is high in  nutritional value and it is a nutritional power house when compared to other popular fruits. 
Kiwi fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals.It has twice the vitamin C content compared to oranges and five timesmore nutrient content compared to apples making it a super food.
It is also a good source of vitamin E, potassium, folic acid, carotinoids, antioxidents and trace minerals.
Kiwi Fruit Nutrition Facts
Vitamin C                                                   85.1mg
Fibre                                                           3gm
Folic content                                             38.2ug
Magnesium                                                14.4mg
Glycemic index Number                          48.5

Kiwi Fruit Health Benefits
  • Vitamin C content helps to boost immunity.
  • High fibre content improves digestion.
  • Folic content benefits pregnant women.
  • Magnesium content is vital for normal body functions.
  • Vitamin E helps fight age related macular degeneration.
  • Its glycemic index number makes it suitable for diabetes.
  • Its low fat and low sodium level makes it ideal for patients with heart disease and diabetes and also helps weight loss.
  • Its antioxidant property helps reduce blood pressure and high cholesterol level. 
Due to the presence of rich organic soil and favourable climatic conditions, New Zeeland produces the best quality Kiwi Fruits.

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