Healthy lifestyle

How Does Benzene Get Into a Mere Soda Can?

Researchers have found some disturbing facts that along with high sugar levels, artificial flavorings, and calcium-reducing fizz, some soft drinks…

2 years ago

5 Key Factors for Attaining a Healthy and Vibrant Body

There are many things that can impact your health. Some factors influence your health positively, while some others negatively. Avoiding…

2 years ago

Why Taking The Right Amount of Vitamin E is So Important

So many of you have heard of vitamin E and its potential benefits. This nutrient is an important  ingredient in…

2 years ago

The Healthiest Non-Sugar Sweetener Your Body Needs

Increasing threats of diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and heart diseases have become real concerns for many people due to high consumption…

2 years ago

Research: Lack of Exercise is a Major Cause of Chronic Diseases

Inactivity or lack of exercise leads to many long term health problems including so called lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension,…

2 years ago