Smart Phones, Smarter People and Jibber-Jabber.

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We have reached that point in time where the world at our finger tips and our messages reach the other side of the earth within a matter of seconds. Youngsters drool more reading phone pecifications, than in front of food. Technology has shifted gears and is making fast progress. Smartphones have come a long way from being a luxury to a necessity. The transition, however, was faster than expected. 

The technology is contagious and no one knows where it's headed towards. We have the friendly neighborhood Android, the extremely diligent Windows, the rich guy Apple and many more, all vying to catch our attention. Even children today seem to be talking about octocore processors and gorilla glasses. The haze that so usually surrounded technology has disappeared. People want faster, smarter technology and they thrive towards it.

The most important phenomenon to be noticed, however is the parallel traverse of technology and cognizance among the youth, both in the forward direction. We have a smarter youth today than we have ever had in the past. And that is just the icing on the cake. Generation gaps may be increasing, but at least communication gaps are decreasing, owing to faster connectivity.

The most important phenomenon to be noticed, however, is the parallel traverse of technology and cognizance among the youth, both in the forward direction. We have a smarter youth today than we have ever had in the past. And that is just the icing on the cake. Generation gaps may be increasing, but at least communication gaps are decreasing, owing to faster connectivity. 

It seems like only yesterday that videos took ages to load. The annoying little circle in the center of videos who was a frequent comrade, is now only an occasional visitor. 3G was starting to become a common household name, until recently being overthrown by its faster and more powerful counterpart, 4G. This might seem insignificant at first sight, but it is a pointer towards the many more technologies that are yet to hit the market.

So, if there is a ripe time to invest in technology, it is now. The reigns seem to be in safe hands at the moment and the horses seem undaunted. At this pace, it wont be long before we break down all physical barriers of communication and create a freely connected world. It is up to us to strive towards the same. #TEchnocrats

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