4 Simple Tips To Be Healthy and Active

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When it comes to health, prevention is better than cure. Below are 4 simple steps any one can implement to stay healthy and active.

Hydrate Your Body

Drink plenty of water daily to avoid dehydration.You cannot be active when your body is dehydrated. Dehydration will cause tiredness and sleepiness, body cramps, poor concentration and stress. So always keep your body hydrated to avoid these health related problems associated with lack of enough hydration. Even though, a daily consumption of eight glasses of water is recommended, the amount varies depending on the weather conditions of the place you live.   

Exercise Daily

Following a daily exercise routine can make you always feel active and fresh. Any type of physical exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling etc. will help a lot to increase your over all energy level and circulation. Instead you can also choose to practice yogic exercises. It is excellent for achieving physical and mental health.  

Control body weight

Always keep a body weight around the body mass index ratio.According to studies,being overweight is one of the major reasons for modern day illnesses like hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes.It will also lead to decreased energy level, tiredness and laziness.

Get enough sleep

Proper rest and sleep is needed for our body to function in a healthy manner.If you don't get the proper amount of sleep at night, you can not begin the next day feeling refreshed and alert. Lack of proper sleep will cause tiredness, memory problems, poor concentration etc. and will make you inactive during the day. It will adversely effect each and every activity you are involved in and your over all success. So make sure to get sleep sufficient enough to be active and fresh each and every day. 

Do not Overeat

Just like avoiding food is harmful, over eating is also harmful to your body. Over eating effects the digestive system in an adverse manner and will increase fatigue.After over eating you will feel tired also. Do not over eat and try to have your food on time.

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