It Will Take As Long As it Takes – Give Yourself Time to Reach Your Goal

By Rachelle Disbennett-Lee

So often, we want to know how long is this going to take? We tend to be an impatient bunch wanting what we want when we want it, or sooner. Like children on a car trip, shouting "Are we there yet?" Life is a process and you simply cannot predict how long success is going to take.

Several years ago, I was watching a television show on, of all things, a carrot cooking competition. That year's winner competed for ten years; the first five she didn't win anything. Her advice to would-be carrot cook-off competitors, "Hang in there. It eventually will happen." In other words, it takes as long as it takes, as long as we don't give up.

We live in a microwave society where we think ten seconds is a long time. When surfing the Web, if a website doesn't come up in three seconds, I am off to the next. Speed has become the measure of success, but success cannot always be measured by how fast things happen. There is a lot to be said for not giving up.

The question most new coaches ask me is "How long will it take to build a coaching practice?" The answer is as long as it takes. There are too many variables to be able to predict. It might take six months, and it might take six years. Several of my speaker friends have shared with me that it takes a minimum of ten years to build a speaking business. Statistically, most small businesses don't break even for the first three to five years. So, how long does it take? That depends. One thing I can tell you, it won't work at all if we don't stick with it.

Yes, I understand that there is a fine line between hanging in there and knowing when to let go. That is something everyone has to figure out for themselves. In my personal experience, I have found that when I do hang in there, good things happen. It often takes longer than I expect, but eventually it all works out.

Life is a process and how long it will take to get the results you desire depends. It isn't an exact science. I read lots of stories about ten to fifteen year overnight successes. The more important question than "How long will it take?" is "How long are you willing to hang in there?" That question is the one that will determine if you make it.

Coach Rachelle Disbennett Lee, PhD is the action advocate. To find out Coach Lee's secrets for becoming wealthier, healthier and happier go to and collect your FREE copy of the popular Special Report "How to create more Wealth, Health and Happiness by Tapping Into the Power of Daily Action"

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