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Down syndrome (additionally called trisomy 21) is the most widely recognized chromosomal condition in the United States. A chromosomal condition happens when there's an issue in at least one chromosomes. Chromosomes are the structures that hold qualities. Qualities are a piece of your body's cells that store guidelines for the manner in which your body develops and works.
Around 1 out of 700 infants (under 1 percent) is brought into the world with Down syndrome. Numerous youngsters with Down syndrome lead solid, dynamic lives. They go to class, play sports and appreciate being social with others. An individual with Down syndrome may live 60 years or more.
Every individual has 23 sets of chromosomes in each cell in their body. For each pair, you get one chromosome from your mom and one chromosome from your dad. Infants with Down syndrome have an additional duplicate of chromosome 21. This additional duplicate changes the manner in which the cerebrum and body create.
We don't know without a doubt why Down syndrome occurs. It might be that the egg or sperm that meet up in preparation has an additional chromosome. Treatment is the point at which a man's sperm gets inside a lady's egg to make her pregnant. One sort of Down syndrome (called translocation Down syndrome) can be passed from a parent to a tyke, however it's uncommon.
In the event that you as of now have a child with Down syndrome, your hazard for having another increments with every pregnancy. Up to age 40, for every pregnancy your odds of having another infant with Down syndrome is around 1 out of 100 (1 percent). After age 40, the hazard is based your age. Converse with a genetic advisor to comprehend your hazard. A genetic advisor is an individual who is prepared to enable you to comprehend about qualities, birth surrenders and other ailments that keep running in families and how they can influence your wellbeing and your child's wellbeing.
Trisomy 21: This is the most widely recognized kind. Around 95 of every 100 individuals with Down syndrome (95 percent) have trisomy 21. In this condition, your infant's cells have three duplicates of chromosome 21 rather than two.
Mosaic Down syndrome: Individuals with this condition have a few cells with three duplicates of chromosome 21, however different cells have the typical two duplicates. Mosaic Down syndrome is uncommon. Individuals with Mosaic Down syndrome may have less attributes of Down syndrome since they have a few cells with the two duplicates of chromosome 21.
Translocation Down syndrome: This condition happens when an individual has two duplicates of chromosome 21, in addition to an additional piece of a chromosome or an entire additional chromosome that is joined (likewise called translocated) to one duplicate of chromosome 21. This condition is uncommon, and it tends to be acquired (passed from parent to kid).
Truly. Human services suppliers offer testing for Down syndrome to every single pregnant lady as a feature of standard pre-birth care (restorative consideration during pregnancy). You can choose on the off chance that you need to have these tests. Converse with your human services supplier or a genetic guide about testing for Down syndrome.
In the event that you or your accomplice has a family ancestry of Down syndrome, tell your human services supplier or genetic guide. Family ancestry implies that somebody in both of your families has the condition. Utilize our family wellbeing history structure to enable you to see whether certain wellbeing conditions keep running in your families.
Screening tests: These tests check if your child is almost certain than others to have Down syndrome. There are no dangers to you or your infant when you have a screening test, yet they don't let you know without a doubt if your child has a condition like Down syndrome.
Analytic tests: These tests let you know without a doubt if your child does or doesn't have Down syndrome. In the event that a screening test demonstrates your child is at high danger of Down syndrome, your supplier may prescribe an analytic test to affirm the outcomes.
Every sort of test has advantages and disadvantages. Screening test outcomes can enable you to choose on the off chance that you need to have a demonstrative test. You might need to know without a doubt during pregnancy if your child has Down syndrome. On the off chance that you do discover without a doubt, you can find out about the condition so you're readied when your infant's conceived. You additionally can make arrangements to conceive an offspring in an emergency clinic that can give your child exceptional therapeutic consideration.
Screening tests are called noninvasive in light of the fact that your supplier doesn't have to utilize apparatuses that break your skin or enter your body. Rather, you get a blood test or a ultrasound. Ultrasound is a pre-birth test that utilizations sound waves and a PC screen to demonstrate an image of your infant inside the belly.
First trimester screening (likewise called first trimester consolidated test): Your supplier utilizes these test outcomes and your age to gauge your odds of having a child with Down syndrome. This test is generally done at 11 to 14 weeks of pregnancy. It has two parts:
Blood test: This estimates dimensions of plasma protein-A (likewise called PAPP-An) and a pregnancy hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (additionally called HCG) in your blood. On the off chance that your PAPP-An and HCG levels aren't typical, your child may have Down syndrome.
Nuchal translucency test: Your supplier utilizes this uncommon sort of ultrasound to quantify the tissue at the back of your child's neck (called the nuchal overlap). Additional liquid in the nuchal overlap might be an indication that your child may have Down syndrome.
Coordinated screening test: Your supplier utilizes these two tests to evaluate the odds that your child has Down syndrome:
First trimester: You get a blood test to check your PAPP-A dimensions and a ultrasound to quantify your child's nuchal overlap. This test is normally done at 11 to 14 weeks of pregnancy.
Second trimester: You get a maternal blood test (additionally called quad screen) to gauge four substances in your blood: alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), estriol, HCG and inhibin A. The test is generally done at 15 to 22 weeks of pregnancy.
Sans cell DNA testing (additionally called noninvasive pre-birth screening or testing or NIPT): This test checks your blood for your child's DNA to check whether he may have Down syndrome. You can have this test as right on time as 9 weeks of pregnancy. In case you're at high danger of having a child with Down syndrome, your supplier may suggest this test. It's not prescribed on the off chance that you aren't probably going to have a child with a birth imperfection or in case you're pregnant with products (more than one infant, similar to twins or triplets).
In the event that an indicative test for متلازمة الداون is certain, it implies your child has the condition. In the event that it's negative, your infant doesn't have Down syndrome. Analytic tests are called obtrusive in light of the fact that your supplier utilizes a needle to take an example of your child's blood, amniotic liquid or tissue for testing. There is a danger of unnatural birth cycle with demonstrative tests. Premature delivery is the point at which a child bites the dust in the belly before 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Amniocentesis (likewise called amnio): This test takes some amniotic liquid from around your infant in the uterus (additionally called belly) to check for Down syndrome. You can get an amnio at 15 to 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Chorionic villus examining (additionally called CVS): This test checks tissue from the placenta to check whether an infant has Down syndrome. You can get CVS at 10 to 13 weeks of pregnancy.
Cordocentesis (additionally called percutaneous umbilical line testing or PUBS): Your supplier embeds a meager needle into an umbilical rope vein to take a little example of your child's blood to check for chromosome absconds. You can get this test somewhere in the range of 18 and 22 weeks of pregnancy. There's an a lot more serious danger of unnatural birth cycle with cordocentesis than with amnio or CVS, so you possibly get this test if different tests are indistinct and your supplier can't affirm your child has Down syndrome some other way.
After birth, your child's supplier gives your infant a physical test and checks for basic physical attributes of Down syndrome. To affirm your infant has Down syndrome, she sends an example of your infant's blood to a lab for testing.
Facial highlights: Most infants with Down syndrome have a few, however not these attributes:
Little hands and feet. They additionally may have a solitary line over the focal point of the palm of the hand (likewise called a palmar wrinkle) or little pinky fingers that bend towards the thumb.
Low muscle tone (likewise called hypotonia) or free joints. Children with Down syndrome have low muscle tone during childbirth. They may appear to be floppy and have poor head control.
A great many people with Down syndrome are sound, yet some need unique therapeutic consideration. Normal wellbeing and advancement issues in individuals with Down syndrome include:
Inborn heart absconds. These are heart conditions a child's brought into the world with that can influence the heart's shape.
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