High Protein Diet: Experts Say To Consider Source When Choosing

High-protein diets are often recommended by nutritionists and bodybuilders to help build muscle and lose fat, Now it is a fancy, and western diet tends to be too protein heavy. Experts say to consider plant-based whole foods for their protein requirements, since it is the best source for quality protein.

Proteins are essential nutrients needed for human body functioning. It serves as a fuel and is one of the building blocks of body tissues. Some studies show that our body absorbs and uses a greater amount of protein after "bodybuilding" type exercises than under more sedentary circumstances. Also shows clinically significant gains  in muscle with a very high protein diet when compared to more moderate intake, A sedentary individual’s body requires approximately 0.7g/kg/day. Consistently consuming less protein than the required amount  leads to loss of existing lean mass, even with an excessively caloric diet.

Nutritionists and experts in this field points to plant-based sources as the best choice for those who are on a high protein diet. They can provide fiber and other micronutrients and phytochemicals along with protein. Read More at Bloomberg

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