Digital India: Insurance Sector is Booming as Your Agent Goes Digital

As India goes digital , its Insurance sector is also advancing in a revolutionary way, by digitizing the whole process of buying a Life Insurance policy. It’s growth is not limited to metro cities and towns, but widespread even in villages and sub-urban areas. Now, Indians are aware of the online availability of various Insurance products, and its ease and convenience,  just like how they are familiar with online banking or shopping. They also know that through digitization, they can reach out to various companies,  compare them and avail their services directly. Lower premium rates, as there are no intermediaries involved, is another attractive factor for them to shift to online purchase of Insurance policies.

Insurance companies selling their products online maintain a trustworthy relation with their customers and assist them throughout the whole process such as buying, paying premium amounts, renewing policies etc. Even post-sale support is also available. For example, since HDFC Life (a leading Life Insurance provider in india,) started their operations online, they promise ongoing support to individuals who purchase policies online just like being guided personally. They offer a wide range of plans including Term Plans, ULIPs, Protection, Health, Retirement, Savings & Investment and Child Plans. Assisted buying experience and excellent post-sale support are available through their website. Assisted buying includes online chat support, call support and co-browsing feature where you give access of your screen to the customer service department, and they fill out the form on your behalf. Through post sale customer support feature, you get policy tracker and policy servicing which tracks your policy issuance, paying premiums, managing funds and filing claim - all available online at the click of button.#YehBhiOnline

Watch their Click to Insure Video Below

The whole process of buying policies online is easy, convenient and faster than those bought through traditional offline channels. Due to the negligible operational costs and absence of intermediary commissions, the premium amounts are relatively low. When buying policies online, the documentation process is rather easy. As you are dealing directly with the insurance company, you can also avoid being mis-sold.

All these factors along with ease of access makes online purchase of policies, the newest trend in the Insurance Industry.

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