Almonds or Walnuts Which is Healthier?

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Walnuts rank higher than any commonly consumed nuts because a handful of walnuts contains twice as much antioxidents as an equivalent amount of any commonly consumed nuts.

According to research, almonds are healthier because it contains MUFA (mono-unsaturated faty acids). Besides almonds are heart healthy and good for weightloss and diabetes.

Nuts contain healthy poly-unsaturated and mono-unsaturated fats rather than artery clogging saturated fats.When considering the calorie intake, eating nuts actually makes people feel full and less likely to overeat.

Researchers mention that unsalted, raw or dry-roasted nuts have benefits for both blood glucose control and blood lipids and may be used as part of a strategy to improve diabetes control without weight gain.

Eating nuts for lowering cholesterol  and other health Benefits

Generally People take into account the fat and calories in nuts and they are afraid of gaining weight by eating nuts.  They relate nuts as a cholestrol boosting food The actual fact is that nuts contain healthy poly-unsaturated and mono-unsaturated fats rather than artery clogging saturated fats.When considering the calorie intake, eating nuts actually makes people feel full and less likely to overeat.

Benefits of Eating Nuts

Higher energy level.
Higher levels of mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fatty acids.
More dietary fibre
Improve heart health
Lowre risk of high blood pressure
Lower  cholesterol
Fight inflammation

By including a handful of nut varieties in your diet evry day you can maintain your
health i a more safer level.

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