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10 Ways to Raise your Vibrations …including using the Free Alpha Audio

by Iain Legg

1. DON'T give away your power to people. Take responsibility foryour life.
If things aren't going as hoped in your life, re-examine your deepest belief Swap limiting beliefs for empowering ones.

2. DO get a pet! According to Power vs. Force, a purring cat vibrates at 500

3. DON'T watch movies that drag you down. According to Power vs.Force, this is most films. Watch movies that will make you feel good. Listen to music that fills you with positive emotions. Read books that empower you. (Control the input to your brain, and you'll control your output.)

4. DO focus on what you want in your life, not what you don't want - remember the law of attraction... You have the power to create the life of your dreams - even if the world around you seems messed up, don't lose focus...

5. DO imagine that what you dream of is in your life now, and feel grateful for it now ...and after that think of 10 more things to be grateful for.

6. DO have fun. Life is about being happy. Don't wait until you have this or that... Don't put off happiness. Live now. Enjoy now.

7. DO seek to discover the truth about the meaning of your life. The answers are there if you look for them. Awareness and peace of mind are high vibrations.

8. DO use tools and strategies to help you achieve higher levels of consciousness, such as meditation and the free Alpha audio (see below)

9. DON'T watch the news on television. It is filled with negativity which lowers your vibrations. (Why is 95% of all news all the time focused on bad news?) If you want to keep abreast of current affairs search the internet for independent, unbiased news. Seek the truth. Trust your intuition. This will also help give you a
much more balanced view of reality. There's lots of good news out there if you're looking for it...

10. DO help other people. Join activist sites like that collect petitions to help humanity. Forgiveness, compassion and understanding are good vibrations.


Get a free Alpha Mind Control mp3, originally created to help soldiers with post traumatic stress disorder. This powerful audio will help you reach deep levels of alpha brainwaves, helping you to become more creative and aware. It's good for your health too. It can help you sleep better, boost your immune system and make you feel good.

It will help also raise your vibrations...


View Comments

  • Nice tips to Always send a positive vibe to others. being happy and cheerful one of the things people forget which is very important to send a good vibe not only to your mates but to the whole community.

  • Hi!!!

    Mmm... yeah, I do some of does, and forgot about others jajaja like the movies, I like to see movies that make me cry, romance mainly xD.

    The cat, is totally true!!!
    Also think in your goals.

    Yup. Nice blog!!! The tips are so useul n___n

    Well, I'll read you soon.

    If you have some time, visite my blog, is a bit diferent from yours, but, chek it out xD


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